Discovering, enriching and promoting the remarkable in the Romanian village
Together with specialists from Romania (Babeș-Bolyai University) and France (Sites et cites remarquables de France), we are developing a methodology for heritage interpretation, which we then transfer to key representatives of the local administrations and communities we work with, so that they can increase their capacity to value their local cultural and natural heritage.
This methodology, to be published in 2024, will include methods and tools for actively involving local communities in identifying, protecting, promoting and enhancing local heritage for the sustainable social and economic development of member localities, will identify and promote methods for collecting and developing heritage narratives and involving local authorities in facilitating access to culture.
The methodology will also include tools and curricula for training the community – both the staff of Tourist Information Centres and other local government institutions and other community representatives – in heritage interpretation and in developing plans for the establishment and operation of heritage interpretation centres in interested localities.
The development of the Heritage Interpretation Methodology is part of the project Remarkable Romania – Interpretation of rural cultural heritage through art and entrepreneurship, funded by EEA Grants 2014-2021, under the RO-CULTURE Programme.